Year 2
Topic Newsletters - 24/25
We have 2 classes in year 2 called Kingfisher Class and Otter Class.
Kingfisher Class's teacher is Mrs Hewitt and the LSA is Miss Baumann.
Otter Class's teachers are Miss Maughan & Mrs Barlow and the LSA is Mrs Lyon.
Please do contact us on our class emails or speak to us on the door if you have questions or queries.
Our Curriculum
In our English lessons we follow the CLPE approach (Centre for Literacy in Primary Education). This approach is book based and builds its planning around quality children's literature (please see the English page for more info).
Reading in Year 2
In year 2, the children do whole class guided reading lessons following John Murray's Reading Explorers. The children read a wide variety of genres to develop their vocabulary, improve their understanding and teach them the skills they need to interpret texts.
Home Reading
The children's home reading books all follow the Letters and Sounds Phonics Programme. They will also take home their own reading for pleasure book from the library each week.
In year 2, our lessons are planned using White Rose and Power Maths. Our lessons focus on mathematical reasoning and fluency. In our lessons, we use lots of concrete and pictorial resources to embed the children's understanding of concepts and then we go onto applying these to abstract questions (please see the Maths page for more information).
Home Learning for Maths
The children can practice their 99 Club sheets they bring home once a week. They can also use their Reading Eggs login to access Mathseeds too.
In year 2, we follow Cornerstones. Cornerstones provides exciting plans which include the non-core subjects (Geography, History, Science, DT and Art).
We cover one project each term ensuring excellent coverage and progression.
Autumn Term - Movers & Shakers
Spring Term - Coastline
Summer Term - Magnificent Monarchs
Important Information
Start: 8:40am Finish: 3:10pm
PE: Monday and Friday
Children will come into school in PE kits. All children must have a white or house colour top, black or navy shorts. Trainers, black or navy joggers and jumpers will be required for outdoor PE.
How can you support your children at home?
Reading: You should read with your child at least 5 times a week at home. This can include their home reading book, Reading Eggs and their reading for pleasure books from the library.
Spellings: New spellings are sent out on a Monday and tested on a Friday. These can be practised using the Look, Cover, Write, Check method or from using the printed sheets that are sent home.
99 Club: Your children will be tested on the ’99 club’ (addition and subtraction questions) on a Wednesday you can help them by practising any questions they get incorrect with them for the following week (these will be sent home).
TT Rockstars: This will be used in the Summer Term.
Topic homework: There is a topic homework sheet attached linked to our topic of the term. We would like the children to choose at least one activity to do and bring in to share with the class.
Recent Events
Queen and King Day (April 2024)
We started our Magnificent Monarch day with the children coming dressed as a King or Queen. They then learnt about some monarchs having absolute power. With our absolute power for the day, we wrote things that we would like to ban.
"I would ban cigarettes so that people don't die."
"I would ban wasps because they sting people."
Trip to Tring Museum March 2023
We had an excellent trip to Tring Museum. We looked around the museum to find animals from the Arctic and the Antarctic. Then we were shown a mysterious skull and found out it was actually a cat's skull. After, we had a great session which explained how we can identify animals based on their skin. We got to feel the different animals and explore what their skin was like before placing them in the correct category.
When we got back to school we wrote some excellent recounts about our trip!
Flower Art, February and March 2023
During our Coastline project we explored lots of different art techniques that could be used to create flowers with texture, colour and different shapes. We learnt how to spiral paper plates to create 3D flowers, how to make prints, how to layer sugar paper to create a collage of petals and string to create flower shapes with texture. Which of our techniques do you like most?
Persuasive Letters December 2023
During the last half term we read the book "10 Things I can do to Help my World", by Melanie Wash. After reading this book, we decided to act! We wrote persuasive letters to our parents and everyone at Broughton Community Schools explaining how they could save our world. Have we persuaded you?
Posting our Letters 18.12.2023
Sewing December 2023
This half term, we learnt how to sew. It was very challenging, however, we are so proud of the Christmas decorations we made.
Baarmy Bethlehem 15.12.2023
This term we performed Baarmy Bethlehem, the story of some crazy sheep, who loved to party! It was a real hit with our families and the rest of the school.
Design Technology: Eton Mess 18.12.2023
The children learnt about what a recipe should have. Then we used an Eton Mess recipe to create the dish. We evaluated the recipe and thought of ways that we would improve it. On the whole, we thought the outcome was delicious. However, we would improve the recipe by saying the strawberries needed to be ripe, as they were very hard to mash!
Visit to Waddesdon Manor 2.10.23
We went to Waddesdon Manor to look for signs of Autumn, planted a daffodil and tulip bulb lasagne and made paper tulips.
Roald Dahl Trip 11.9.23
We went to Aylesbury Museum. We had a wonderful time learning about Roald Dahl's life, hearing some of his stories and exploring the Roald Dahl Gallery.
One of the highlights was when we were projected onto the TV like the character "Mike TV" from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Thankfully we didn't remain small!
We also enjoyed creating our own predator hand puppets inspired by "The Enormous Crocodile". Visiting the museum showed us that some predators have sharp teeth, sharp claws, large beaks, can camouflage and have fierce tails!
Kingfisher Class
Otter Class
Astronaut Challenges 5.9.23
We received a letter from a space expert challenging us to become astronauts. We had to learn why spacesuits are important, plan our own meals for our time in space, perform exercises to develop our strength, practise conducting intricate tasks using space gloves (washing up gloves) and launching rockets!