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Broughton Community Infant School

'Ensuring Every Child THRIVES'


This week we are

Remembrance Day Poppy paintings

Week commencing 18th

Makaton signs we have learnt

Our Learning Adventures:

This half term our topic is:

Animal Safari

We are going to be learning all about different animals and their habitats. We are looking at the Artic and what types of animals can survive in the cold and harsh environment. The Rainforest and Jungle animals and what their environment looks like and the different animals you will find in the tress and on the forest floors. We will also be looking at British Wildlife and the animals that the children may see in their local environment. 

Our book is Puffin Peter and we will be looking at Peters journey across the different countries to find his friend.



Our Adventures Continued.......

We will be learning about the Hindu festival of Light- Diwali 

We are learning about the changes of seasons and what is happening. 

Anti- Bullying Week- Where we will be reading lots of different books about being kind and accepting each others differences. We will be wearing ODD SOCKS.

Remembrance- Learning about the sacrifices others made 

Preparing for our mini Nativity!

Theatre Trip- Walking to Waterside Theatre to watch Peter Pan 


Anti Bullying Books:


Drawing Club Adventures:






Topic Newsletters - 24/25


In Phonics we are learning phase 2 of Little Wandle Phonics. We are blending words together once we have learnt the sound: s,a,t,p,I,n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, l, f, ll, ff, ss. 

We are now moving on to: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, nk, ng, 


We are now reading and spelling words such as: back, zip, zap, buzz, rabbit, chip, chop, rich, fizz, wet. 

Tricky Words: put, pull, full, as, and, has, his, her, go, no, to, into, she, he, of, go, we, me, be

We know: I, no, go

We have started reading sentences: hop in the back. Run in the sun. The dog is wet. 

Please continue to practise your child's sounds, blending and reading at home. 


Below you will find a copy of our sound mat that we use in our Phonics lessons and during free-flow play.